The production process of frozen peeled pineapple
Tan Gia Thanh processes and supplies frozen peeled pineapple for domestic and export. This article will introduce the production process of frozen peeled pineapple The production process of frozen peeled pineapple The production process of frozen peeled pineapple Raw pineapple Pineapples are purchased in Kien Giang and Dak Lak regions, quality is strictly controlled to ensu re finish ed products output. Classify Depending on the re quirem ents of each specific order. When raw materials arrive at the factory, they will be divided into different groups. Classification ensures size af ter pe eling according to customer re quirement s Ripe Pineapples are not ripe enough for production will be incubated in a closed room and fumigated with ethylene to stimulate the natural ripening process. Peel This is the most important step in the production process of frozen peeled pineapple. The finished product only meets the requirements when the entire outer green skin as well as the blac...